Privacy Policy


Should you choose to work with me:

Data Protection/Confidentiality
I will take some personal details from you and you will sign a consent form for me to hold this information. I
have laid out below the details regarding how the data is stored and for how long.

Data collected:
Full name; age/date of birth/address/who you were referred by/home number and or mobile number/email
address/GP/any previous experience of counselling/why you have come for counselling /existing living
situation/any medication or illness/coping strategies/self-harm or suicidal thoughts/any pending court cases.

Storage of your information
I use an online counselling data storage system called Bacpac so that I need hold none of your information in
paper format. The system is secure, requiring a user name, password and onetime security code for each time
it is accessed. Your information is used safely and ethically as per EU General Data Protection Regulations
(GDPR) May 2018. I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office). My organisation
name is Kate Howells and my number: ZA470564
I take notes after every session and these are stored on my secure online system. After 3 years, your record
and notes will be deleted. If you are under 18 years of age, your notes will be kept for 3 year after you have
reached the age of 18, ie when you are aged 21.
Your contact details such as telephone numbers and email addresses are also stored electronically. Any
emails will be destroyed one month after our last session. All text messages will be deleted one month after

When might I need to share your data?
I am obliged by law to disclose what you have told me regarding:
a) Information relating to a terrorist act. (The Terrorism Act 2000, s.38B)
b) Information about drug trafficking and/or money laundering (Drug Trafficking Act 1994, Proceeds
of Crime Act 2002 or the Money Laundering Regulations 2007)
c) Information requested by a court of law. In light of this, please let me know of any court cases you may be
involved in.

There are also situations where, although I may not have a legal obligation to disclose,
professional good practice means I have a duty to consider doing so.
a) Serious child protection issues
b) If you or someone else is at serious risk of harm

Right to access
You have the right to ask me to provide a copy of your counselling notes and to correct any inaccuracies in
your information.

Right to erasure
You have the right to ask me to erase any information that I hold about you. This includes all information
that is no longer necessary to hold, unless there is a legal obligation to do so.

Data portability
You have the right to receive the personal information provided to me as well as the right to transfer that
information to another party.

Should I be unable to contact you due to my ill health or another emergency situation:
Your contact details are available to a trusted colleague so that they can contact you if I am not able to
contact you myself.